Monica, the Opera

Chris Doss chrisd at
Thu Jan 24 07:42:22 PST 2002

BBC Monitoring Opera about Putin's private life could be produced in Russia Source: Ekho Moskvy radio, Moscow, in Russian 1600 gmt 23 Jan 02

An opera about President [Vladimir] Putin's private life could soon be produced in Saratov. The Vedomosti newspaper reports today that the opera is

entitled "Monica in the Kremlin". In this opus, the infamous story of Monica

Lewinsky and Bill Clinton is transplanted into Russia, while one of its principal characters in President Putin.

The author of the opera intends to offer the part of Monica to the well-known singer Lubov Kazarnovskaya, and that of President Putin, to Nikolay Baskov [both are popular, rather than classical, singers].

It remains for me to add that the opera was written by the Saratov composer Vitaliy Okorokov, former manager of the all-girl pop group Kombinatsiya, which gained fame with such songs as "The Accountant" and "Two Slices of Sausage".

---------- By the way, Baskov sucks.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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