
Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Mon Jan 28 22:20:53 PST 2002

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Michael Pollak wrote:

> Personally I incline to the belief that the most creative thing protesters
> could have done was skip this meeting without making a statement and hit
> the next one.

I know what you mean, but I can't help but think that the time for standing down has passed (or maybe I'm just getting theological in my old age). The global Left has got to show some maturity, and move from being against things (defense) to offense, and the Big Apple is the perfect place to do it. It's a city which has suffered 25 years of nightmarish neoliberalism, and then a godawful crime against humanity, and yet it's also a place of wondrous diversity, creativity, and the home of some of the nicest people I know. It's time for a militance which is also a healing, a resistance which is also a rebuilding, and the righteous anger of a global justice which makes amends for what has been done in the past. Ground Zero is the canary in the global mine: the telos of unfettered capitalism is total destruction, because when shareholder value is everything, human life becomes nothing. Whatever happens out there in the streets has to be global theater, the worthy successor to Genoa, world-class theater for a world-class city.

-- Dennis

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