The anti-imperialism of fools

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Mon Jul 1 19:57:19 PDT 2002

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Bradford DeLong wrote:

> >strategy since Sun Tzu.) What does Habib say different that presents
> >him as the [the man that stopped the massacre planned for June 1982 in
> >Lebanon]? Does he say he was controlling Bashir in June??
> Not controlling, but pointing out that a Maronite leader who committed
> such a massacre would never be able to hold on as Prime Minister of
> Lebanon...

That is an interesting idea. So Habib says it was he who convinced Bashir that Muslims would actually vote for him as Prime Minister if he suddenly acted moderately, despite his past? Which they did in large numbers in August, an unprecedented act.

If that was Habib's work, then that part was masterful. Credit where credit is due.


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