"Punishment"? Re: Centralization

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Jul 4 12:32:07 PDT 2002

At 4:32 PM +0000 7/3/02, Justin Schwartz wrote:
>>There was "market" feedback - not in price form, but more in volume
>>form (e.g., no one bought the hideous shoes).
>But no was punished by the market for making these no one bought.
>The incetives (that awful word) were all to fulfill plan targets. If
>you wasted resources by making hideous shoes that no one bought, you
>still got your points for fulfulling the plan. Read The Turning
>Point by, damnh I forget, a couple of top Gorby advisers, lots of
>graet stories to this effect.

There would have to be disincentives for making hideous shoes that no one would buy, but how would you "punish" workers and managers when there is _no_ punishing unemployment? There wouldn't be unemployment under market socialism of your conception either, right?

Under capitalism, the main disincentive is unemployment. What are socialist disincentives? -- Yoshie

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