"Punishment"? Re: Centralization

Joe R. Golowka joeG at ieee.org
Sun Jul 7 16:51:38 PDT 2002

> If you want to say that a
> non-Marxist like me is not entitled to appropriater a Marxian slogan for my
> purpose, fine, I don't care.

"From each according to ability, to each according to need" is not solely a Marxist slogan. The early utopian communists were the first to use it, Marx took it from them. It's also used by many anarcho-communists.

-- Joe R. Golowka JoeG at ieee.org Anarchist FAQ - http://www.anarchyfaq.org

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged." - Noam Chomsky

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