PIMCO quotes Minsky

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Wed Jul 10 11:10:08 PDT 2002

>Bradford DeLong wrote:
>>>Jeffrey Fisher wrote:
>>>>i just finally read (most of) this article . . .
>>>>am i the only one reminded of the LTCM bailout? i'm thinking of his
>>>>suggestion of ordering banks to lend . . .
>>>This is more systemic than LTCM. LTCM was a potential break in the
>>>payments change; he's talking about the solvency of nonfinancial
>>>corporations, and how what's rational for one (balance-sheet
>>>rebuilding) could be ruinous collectively. This is out of the box
>>>stuff for bourgeois thought.
>>But this is low Keynesianism: the paradox of thrift; the fallacy of
>>composition; et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...
>Do you read Wall Street economics?

Clearly not as much as I should...

Brad DeLong

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