"Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are a big reason that U.S. military forces are chasing al Qaeda in western Pakistan and not in western Saudi Arabia."
no kidding. but wait, i thought we were fighting terror wherever terror goes! uh, except, i guess, in places where we need oil from them. but otherwise, we're solid!
stratfor continues:
"U.S. influence over Iraqi oil reserves would dramatically decrease Riyadh's leverage with Washington. And, in a pinch, the United States could threaten to increase Iraqi outputs and bankrupt the Saudi and Iranian economies."
and then, W would rrruuuuUUUUUUUuulllee the wwwoooooorrrrrlllldddd! <gesture hand=left type=pinky to lip>bwahahahaha</gesture>
and we wonder why the world worries about american hegemony?
-- jeff fisher dilettante--er, that's 'intellectual nomad' http://www.brainmortgage.com/
"Incidentally, it goes without saying that all forms of state have democracy for their truth and that they are therefore untrue insofar as they are not democracy." - Marx