Bank consolidation, Japanese style

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Fri Jul 12 00:46:47 PDT 2002

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Charles Jannuzi wrote:

> I don't think so. It's the big banks that are the
> scariest and the most likely to be gone in a
> couple years. After the Mizuho bank machine
> debacle, that's even more apparent. Too big to be
> managed.

Mizuho is the collective savings-pool of Hitachi, Fujitsu, the reborn Nissan, NKK-Kawasaki, Canon and a ton of other ferociously competitive firms. The moon would have to crash into the Earth for Mizuho to go bust.

The Nikkei is a screaming buy. Three words: dividends, dividends, dividends.

> As the yen goes to 115 to the dollar, and exports
> become unprofitable, and domestic deflation
> continues, it's more, more, more of the same,
> same, same. Prediction: Japan will be firmly back
> in recession by Q4.

Fear not. Asiazilla is back, and the Eurobourgies are about to remove the eyeteeth of the US neolibs with a rusty pliers Duisenberg found at a swapmeet in downtown Geneva. Kind of a hassle for global proletarians with 401K plans, but hey, that's what money market funds are for.

-- Dennis

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