> > Well, I'm still rather shocked at that set of stats re: Cuba
> >and Haiti.
I know that gross stats, looked
> >at w/o an understanding of social structure, ideology and culture,
> >is a crude indicator, but, until someone with some expertise
> >i don't have unpacks those stats, Joanna, I'll in your words
> >be obscenity purveyor. Even though the #'ers should give pause
> >to all. M.P.
> Wow. Is this what anti-Stalinism does to minds? Makes people argue
> that Haiti isn't such a bad deal after all?
Yeah. It's 2002, nearly half a century since the death of Uncle Joe. The fSU is toast, and we still have to hear that Haiti isn't such a bad deal compared to Cuba. Presumably other American-sponsored places in Central America aren't such bad deals compared to Cuba either. Guatemala... El Salvador... Well, maybe not... But hey, there's always Costa Rica! I forgot about Costa Rica!
Call it the _Dissent_ syndrome.
It's enough to make you an anti-anti-communist.
Jacob Conrad