Cuba/Re: why the left is so hopeless in AmeriKKKa

Peter K. peterk at
Mon Jul 15 16:34:25 PDT 2002

>The insistence on immunity, then, is from considerations of hegemony, possible
>future exposure (meaning: anticipated war crimes) and was probably an effort to
>shoot down the court outright. This is precisely the sort of behaviour which
>Chomsky and his acolytes have for a long time attributed to the US.
>Thiago Oppermann

It was a back down because the US wanted permanent immunity or else it would gather its toys and go home. The EU, Japan, etc. played some brinkmanship with this and succeeded in keeping the court alive and forcing the US to compromise. Chomksy and his acolytes, I suspect, see the ICC as an institution for providing cover for big powers should they want to prey on smaller/poorer countries via humanitarian interventions. The rabid conservatives in the US Congresssee it as an infringement on US sovereignty, so it has to be killed.


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