National Review Columnist gets Hassled

pms laflame at
Wed Jul 17 06:21:29 PDT 2002

With intentions to further undermine our border security by expanding Visa Express, State is the last department that should be entrusted with the authority to issue visas. This week, the House of Representatives is in the final stages of a bill to create the new Department of Homeland Security, yet State has successfully maintained visa-issuance powers under the bills that passed out of several committees last week.

Secretary of State Colin Powell has made retention of visa authority his top priority, and he has been burning up the phone lines to pressure lawmakers. Let's hope he doesn't succeed.

- Joel Mowbray is an NRO contributor and a columnist

Maybe it's because I've just been reading about these NRO sleazebags in Brocks book, but it seems to me the real story in all this is a dangerous dept of Homeland Security wants power over the visa process. Why no mention in Mowbray's article about Intelligence over-ruling visa rejections as has been stated by some ex-officials who have joined with relatives of WTC victims to question events leading up to 9/11? Maybe the detention story is just another turn in the right-wing spin machine.

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