[-|-] A Second Holocaust?

Chaim-Tevya yod at pnews.org
Thu Jul 18 02:15:53 PDT 2002


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Some, including a Jewish national leader, Ron Rosenbaum, believe the Jewish people are now facing a Second Holocaust as great or greater than the Holocaust and threat of the 30s.

"In the New York Observer in April, Ron Rosenbaum warned of "the Second

Holocaust: `It's a phrase we may have to begin thinking about.

A possibility we may have to contemplate." Indeed, "there's likely to

be a second Holocaust. Not because the Israelis are acting without

restraint, but because they are, so far, acting with restraint despite

the massacres making their country uninhabitable.'" [(05-27-2002) - The

New Republic]


Arafat has been offered everyting he said he wanted and he turned it down. It isn't that people are just mad at him now for turning down the deal of the century. It is more than that. It is the fact that these meetings took place at all and those dealing for the Palestinians support the radical Islamist view. There has always been a problem finding anyone who is not a political Islamist to be a partner with Israel for peace. They just do not exist or if they do they are not willing to put their lives on the line to buck the preponderent trend - a return to fundamentalism.

There is no doubt also that Arafat is in the middle of a larger internecine Palestinian confict and any hope that a secular Palestinian view would emerge has all but vanished. The secularists have been defeated by the jihadists. An editorial in The New Republic calls them "Allah-intoxicated haters of Israel." They're also Allah-intoxicated haters of the WEST, of which Israel is clearly the primary example. There is NO principled opposition to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Islamic Jihad in any Muslim country and the anti-Judaism and anti-Modernism of the WEST has a popular appeal among the masses.

"And as history should have taught the Jews, whereever they are, in

Israel or in the Diaspora, -- the anti-Semites mean what they say and

would do their utmost to implement what they preach." [Yossef Bodansky,

"Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument", 99, Ariel Center for

Policy Research, Israel]

There is the lie that Jews lived peacefully for a thousands years UNDER Islam. This is NOT an accurate depiction of history.

"Jews and Muslims have been living close to each other and interacting

since the very first days of Islam. As Islam rose in Arabia at the

beginning of the 7th Century and spread throughout the region that would

become the Hub of Islam, the Arab led armies encountered well

established, developed and relatively affluent Jewish communities

whereever they reached. The Muslim occupiers could neither ignore nor

reconcile with these communities -- they had to either annihilate or

vanquish them. hence, there developed complex and usually hostile

relations between the Jews and their Muslim rulers and neighbors..."


"The law of Islam -- Shari'a law -- explicitly stipulates the inferiority of Jews and Christians -- the state of Dhimmitude." [IBID]

Islam is now reacting, in the extreme, to the West's modernity and the very existence of Israel is has created for Islamic countries a very profound crisis. This has become a struggle and explosion of rage and frustration by Muslims, resulting in acts of revenge manifest as attacks on Americans, Jews, the World Trade Towers.

Ayatollah Muhammad Baqer al-Sadr emphasizes that "the contemporary world" is "shaped by infidels" which is "unacceptable to Islam." He says the world is shaped by it and they (Muslims) have two choices: [1] - to either accept it or [2] destroy it in order to reconstruct the world in the ways of Islam....... [Ayatollah Muhammad Baqer al-Sadr, "The Source of Power in the Islamic Government/State", Tehran, 1980, p37]

"Israel can make peace with the Palestinians, Israel must make peace

with the Palestinians, but not until the Palestinians decide who they

are. Are they Abu Mazen and his diplomatic reason, or are they Wafa

Idris and her suicidal bomb? (Suicidal, but also homicidal: The self-

immolation of these Palestinian zealots is so fascinating to the media

that they forget sometimes to mention that these people are also plain

murderers.) Yasir Arafat likes to believe that he is all of the

Palestinians, but he cannot be all of them, at least not coherently.

And it is the incoherence of his leadership that has brought him to

the little siege in Ramallah. There is a war--sometimes a shooting

war--taking place between Palestinians, and it can no longer be

disguised by the war taking place between Israelis and Palestinians.

Arafat refuses to take sides in the Palestinian-Palestinian war, and

so he has nothing to offer the future of Palestinian politics, which

is to say, he has nothing to offer the future of Israeli-Palestinian

relations. He is over, but the struggle for Palestinian identity is

not over; and that struggle imposes upon Israel not so much the

obligation of peace as the obligation of vigilance."

["Palestinian Authority", (02-18-2002) - The New Republic]

Many Israeli Leftists have switched sides in this debate. They are no longer the perpetual optimists they once were. Following the signing behind the 1983 agreement at Oslo Arafat made a broadcast to the Palestinian people through Jordanian television on that very same day. In the broadcast he doesn't mention a ceasefire nor did he call for an end to terrorism. What he did call for is a "plan of phases" for the destruction of Israel.


Theodor Herzl wrote that Zionism's twin goals were to allow the Jewish

people to "live at last as free men on our own soil, and in our homes

peacefully die." And Zionism has achieved the first: a democratic,

modern, liberal society, curious, scientific, on the cutting edge of

medicine, accountable, transparent, and extremely plural. (Whatever

hardships Arab citizens of Israel endure, they are mostly attributable

to the unremitting enmity to Israel of their cousins in the

neighborhood; and they are, still, the freest Arabs in the region.)

Still, the second goal remains elusive. The Jews of Israel still

cannot be sure that they will be allowed to die peacefully in their

homes. In fact, the angel of death has intruded on their ordinary

civilian lives for more than one century now. [Martin Peretz,

"Murdering Jews, then and now" (04-15-2002)-The New Republic]



"In light of the history of PLO terrorism and untruthfulness, and of Israeli defense-mindedness and distrust, it was stunning--one might even say disorienting--to see Israeli officials soliciting European and American financial support for the PLO, gesturing good will through the release of hundres of suspected Palestinian-Ara terrorists, and muting their own and their public's outrage over continuing anti-Israel terrorism by the PLO. Students of military history are familiar with the fog-of-war phenomenon. Students of the Arab-Israel conflict have, since September 13, 1993, come to know the fog of peace." [Douglas Feith, "Land for No Peace", from "The Mideast Peace Process, an autopsy, edited by Neal Kozodoy, Encounter, 2002 - Douglas Feith is an attorney in Washington, D.C. and Undersecretary of Defense]

He makes an interesting point that "every ambitious and agrressive dictator" (Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic) all participated in negotiations -- "and used them to pursue belligerent designs."

..."Did the international community see the danger of the Holocaust?" )

"the new kristallnacht," screamed the headline of a Jewish paper in

New York about the Passover massacre in Netanya. "This is

Kristallnacht transposed to Israel," wrote Charles Krauthammer in The

Washington Post. And doves are as unnerved as hawks. "As I've said

before," Nat Hentoff told New York magazine, "if a loudspeaker goes

off and a voice says, `All Jews gather in Times Square,' it could

never surprise me." [(05-27-2002) - The New Republic]

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