Russian Eurasianism

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Sun Jul 21 05:56:33 PDT 2002

The speaker is Chechen.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ----------------------------


Bismillah irrakhmanirrakim! Dear participants to the conference! I shall begin my address from a fact evident to everyone. For the first time in the world history on the planet a super-power force has appeared, which openly professes the purpose to subordinate all peoples on earth to a New World Order. This force, undoubtedly, owns the financial, material and technical resources to the accomplishment of its globalist purposes and threatens in the same way the independence and the autonomy of all the peoples of the world. I am talking about the threat of globalism. In what this threat concretely shows itself? In that the forces of globalism try to gather and to bring to nothing religious and national traditions of the peoples, dating from very ancient times. The presence of traditions is the major obstacle on the path of consumer values, deprived of every spiritual content. Proceeding from this, we must formulate two main relevant conclusions: first, our opposition to globalist policies must lean on traditional Eurasian values, and, secondly, all Eurasian peoples wishing to preserve their independence and national originality must identify in the forces of globalism the common enemy. These two conclusions are the basic postulates on which is erected the ideology of eurasism, in particular, the ideology of the movement «Eurasia» headed by Aleksandr Dugin, here present. An application of the value and effectiveness of this ideology you can partly see in the fact that I, convinced supporter of Chechen independence, today appear at this conference in the capital of a state which is at war with my people. I have accepted the invitation of the organising committee of the conference and, moreover, I am its herald because I clearly acknowledge: eurasism creates that level of dialogue between Chechens and Russians on which, for the first time in history, we have a real basis for mutual understanding, for peace and for union against the common enemy, On what is founded my confidence? The purpose of Russia in this war is to clean its rim from the agents of the West, to not admit the rise on its borders of bridgeheads of hostile forces. The purpose of the Chechens in this and all the previous wars is the protection of its traditional way of life. The Kremlin must realise that the accomplishment of the Chechen purpose will also automatically accomplish the Russian purpose, as the nature of the traditional society is such that it does not accept the despiritualised Western values, and the Chechens will never allow their land to be turned into an Atlantic bridgehead. Thus, Chechens and Russians can proceed in their bilateral relations from the logic of the common enemy to the logic of the common purpose. Then a peace treaty combined with the stabilisation of the situation in the Caucasus will condition and impulse the integration of all Eurasia. Having challenged globalism, having put before herself the issue of returning to a multipolar world, Russia objectively acts in the interest of all the peoples of Eurasia. The following step is logically inevitable: Russia, leaning on the ideology of eurasism, will launch a process of consolidation of the peoples of our ancient continent. But, for this consolidation to have a strong world-view base, the eurasist ideology, in my view, must decisively to carry out heel from the specific geopolitical content to the benefit of traditionalism. Why do I think so? There are two strategies which Russia can oppose to the expansion of the Atlantic forces. The first one, geopolitical, was already tested during the cold war. It consists in a system of «dynamic equilibrium», of symmetrical “challenges” and “answers”. The essence of this strategy is to preserve parity with the Atlantic forces in all the aspects of the military and technical-scientific competition imposed by the West; the Soviet Union - having much greater resources and finding herself in a more “winning” geopolitical situation than modern Russia - acting symmetrically, could not sustain this competition and was led to collapse. There is no doubt that the same fate expects also Russia, if she will go on this path. The second strategy, founded on the ideology of eurasism, includes all indispensable conditions so that Russia could stand and achieve success in its opposition to the West. The West wins wherever there is an affirmation of the liberal-democratic social institutions it raised to the absolute, of despiritualised, merely consumer values. This is the path of the so-called “democratic” development.

Recognising that traditional values cannot coexist with Western democracy, the only adequate way to counter the West from the point of view of values becomes the revival of traditional, Eurasian authoritarianism. I realise that the word “authoritarianism” sounds bad, as it generates associations with totalitarianism. But the totalitarian system - which by atomising the people, erasing its religious and national values essentially prepared the “biological raw matter” for democracy, for the consumer civil society - has nothing in common with authoritarianism of the Eurasian kind aimed at reviving the spiritual relics, the religious and national self-consciousness of the peoples. When I speak about “eurasism”, I imply traditionalism, that is the revival of the sacred inheritance of all the peoples descending from one single Eurasian root. When I speak about “authoritarianism of the Eurasian kind” I imply an authoritarian government, whose main vectors are oriented to the revival of traditional values. Just this orientation to traditionalism also creates a reliable guarantee that the Eurasian authoritarianism will never degenerate into irreligious totalitarianism. Is there for Russia any other possibility to save its originality, not to turn into a «raw materials appendage» for the West and commodity market for cheap, ecologically poor quality goods? No, because the weak dynamics of a Land civilisation - as Russia is - despite any efforts can not compete with the strong dynamics of a Sea civilization. Following in the direction of modernism, but yielding to the West in the pace of development, Russia is doomed on being defeated in the technological race, on fruitlessly spending of its resources, means and efforts. Moreover, this meaningless race entails spoiling the land, losing the feeling of “closeness”, which is the major spiritual contents of all monotheist religions. Again I want to repeat, that only a fight at the level of values, only the revival of religious and national traditions, only the ideology of traditionalism can not only stop the expansion of the West, but also give powerful means for gaining victory over it. The West, in particular its leader - the US, represents an example of total domination of the state, brought to the automatism of a political system in which the “human factor” is worth nothing. This is explained by the fact that each individual is slave to the corpus of the state laws, does not think autonomously but automatically acts according to the categories of these laws. It displays a full correspondence of the form (the democratic state) and the content (the atomised mass of the civil society). Confronted with the political system of the “dictatorships of the law” of the New World, the archaic Old World which generated it is doomed on lag and defeat. Because in the latter still play a role the religious and national traditions existing outside the field of the official laws, and very often entering in the contradiction with modernism. The New World has gone far ahead along the winding roads of progress, being redeemed from all archaic relics, killing the external and inner life of man. Does the deliverance from the “burden” of traditions - a drag on progress - bide well for the success to Russia and other Eurasian countries in the technological race with the West? I do not think so: firstly, it is not so easy to “free” peoples from the “burden of the past”, if the peoples count this past as a sacred inheritance, an essential, religious and national essence, a major sign of its own identity; and, secondly, eradicating these “relics” is possible only having used Western consumer values, and in this case that people will come to hold his place among the vassals of the West and respectfully execute orders and “recommendations” from Washington - that remains in this case the sole leader. What would happen if the Old World, or more concretely Russia, will abdicate from the rules of dynamics, from the technological race, in favour of the rules of static? Let's examine this question into more detail. First, Russia would free huge means which are spent on the «technological race» with the West and allocate them to branches really relevant for the people: to the recovery of agriculture, now in permanent crisis, to ecological environmental recovery of the land, to microeconomic projects directed on reviving the countryside. I believe that many Russians will express their fear that, having rejected technological progress, Russia would stand defenceless before the military power of West. But these fears are completely groundless for two obvious reasons. Firstly, the West, having met the refusal on part of Russia and its Eurasian partners to participate in the military technology, loses its major argument of “threat” - with the help of which huge means are accumulated for military purposes, collected from the taxpayers intimidated by the image of Russia as the “eternal”, “unpredictable” enemy. The new positions held by Russia and other Eurasian countries - the refusal of weapons build-up, the protection of the ecology and the families - will create a mighty dissident movement in the West. Thus the eurasist ideology will be spread everywhere, wherever the aspiration still exists to save the peoples and their living environment from the destructive influence of the blind mechanisms of progress. Secondly, in the first times, while the Eurasian ideology will not bring real fruits, Russia preserves its nuclear arsenal, capable not only to provide reliable security for itself, but also to defend all its Eurasian allies. It is difficult to enumerate in a short speech all the advantages and values which will be brought to Russia by renouncing the technological race with West. Environmental recovery of the land and healing of the soul are the first fundamental achievements which Russia will get, having ceased to play by the rules imposed by the West. The return to religious and national traditions will be not only the most effective protection from Western despiritualisation, but also a means to deserve favour of the Most High God, to deserve paradise. And this is the ultimate goal of the believers, conceiving mortal life as a test, only the spatial-temporary stage the straight path from eternity to eternity. Drawing its strategy in relation to the West, to the civilisation of the Sea, Russia must start from the comprehension of its overland nature. The land does not and cannot have that very high dynamics that is peculiar to the Sea. Any attempt to endow the Land by the dynamism of the Sea would bring but one result - the intrusion of the Sea on Land, the virtual deluge of values, under which all the originality of the peoples, all of their traditional values would disappear. The Land, subject to moral shakes and oscillations of values, is doomed to inundation by the Sea civilisation. In order to feel unshakeable and secure, she should get free from the binary paradigm of geopolitics founded on the “Land - Sea” dialectics, and to proceed to the trinitarian paradigm of Eurasian traditionalism, founded on the order of “Mountain - Land - Sea”. The attitude to this order is dictated by the Sacred Koran: «On the land we have established a solid strongholds of mountains, so that it did not vacillate...» (21:31). Such power of overland nature, as Russia is, having decided to counter the civilisation of the Sea, must make a choice: either to be guided by dynamics of the Sea and obey to the Atlantic forces, or to be guided by the static nature of the mountains, and win. Having decided to conduct its struggle with the West at the level of values, by the Eurasian rules, Russia already has made a choice to the benefit of static, to the benefit of tradition. Traditions are static, they are mountains. As the mountains consolidate the Land, not allowing it to be shaken, so traditions consolidate the consciousness of the people. The people living according to traditions exactly know how to behave in such or such situation of life. They act like their first fathers acted, they retry the of ancestors’ path, as there is a static, there is a path to paradise. Traditions create a steady support for their social life, not allowing human souls to be seized by shaky passions.

(Then a bunch of stuff on Islam in Chechnya and the disruptive effects of Wahhabism on the traditional Chechen way of life.)

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