stock market facts

Nathan Newman nathan at
Tue Jul 23 08:18:52 PDT 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl Remick" <carlremick at>

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Carl Remick" <carlremick at>
>What's the problem? The way to build the Left is to be out there fighting
>for the people suffering-- demanding protection of pensions, organizing for
>corporate oversight, putting the stake in deregulation, and pushing for
>health care for those suffering under the insane costs.
>Many activists are doing all these things.
>-- Nathan Newman

-Hmm, I see no evidence "all these things" are crystallizing mass awareness -in any way that would lead to real social transformation rather than -picayune, piecemeal reform.

Four months into scandals and you expect fullscale tranformation of consciousness? What is this-- instant gratification revolution?

One place I differ with many leftists is this idea of the "crisis moment" when the shackles of false consciousness will false from peoples eyes. People transform their views through active struggle. If there is a problem with "the left" (at least the part that self-labels that way) is they spend too much time on media events/rallies and not enough writing for and in day-to-day contact with the vast number of folks in this country.

What these scandals give the left is the chance to knock on doors and have people give us a minute to hear our case-- nothing more, but a lot more than a few years ago when many woud have just politely (or not) shut the door. And their views will change by trying small reforms that make sense, seeing the corporate opposition that thrawts even that in many cases, and thereby getting a broader view of what needs to be done for social justice.

Revolution is a process, not an event. This is a time when the process can be advanced but it requires lots of hard work and outreach.

-- Nathan Newman

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