I have a major crush on Emma Thompson...so I'll see anything with her in it. But, I was disappointed by "Wit." It was a meandering film that wasn't quite sure what it was about: intelligence cannot defeat death.... intelligence is a kind of death.... academia is a kind of death....
The other disappointing thing was the poor use it made of Donne material. I was expecting a lot more use of the meditations he wrote when he was mortally ill...but NOT. Anyway, mostly a forgettable movie.
ON THE OTHER HAND>>> have you seen "Beijing Bicycle"??? Pretty good picture of contemporary China -- as a newly urbanized bicycle courrier fights over the tool of his trade with an aspiring but impoverished yuppie type .... all under the amused gaze of the up and coming capitalist class. You don't have to have seen "Bicycle Thief". It's in video.