(V)anguard of Retrogression

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Thu Jul 25 15:33:48 PDT 2002

Chuck, I'm sure Loren has read a gazillion texts on the 60's. Here is his website, btw. http://home.earthlink.net/~lrgoldner/

Break Their Haughty Power "The working class and the employer class have nothing in common." IWW Preamble, 1905

The following texts were written between 1973 and 2000. Some of them, beginning in the late 1980s, were published in US journals such as Against the Current, New Politics, Critique, Collective Action Notes and Race Traitor; a few have appeared in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean and Russian translation. Others are appearing in the Marx / Third Millennium series of Queequeg Publications. The majority, however, were consigned by circumstance to what Marx called "the gnawing critique of the mice." As such, they circulated only in xerox format to very limited circles of readers. I am posting them today, not because they necessarily possess any overarching coherence or because the evolution of one individual is of any particular importance. Rather, since different readers over the years have found different texts to be useful, I am using the new possibilities opened by the web to make them more generally available than they have been in my file cabinets.

Critique and comment are invited.

The Break Their Haughty Power website is affiliated with Queequeg Publications, PO Box 672355, New York NY 10467 USA. Queequeg Publications has made available in book format some of the texts below. They include:

Loren Goldner: Ubu Saved From Drowning: Class Struggle and Statist Containment in Portugal and Spain, 1974-1977 (2000). ISBN 0- 970-03080-0. 113 pp. Available from the above address for $10 (US) plus postage. $1.50 for domestic first class; $1.30 for domestic book rate; $2.35 Canada; $6.50 international airmail; $4 airmail printed matter. Check or money order in US dollars only.

Loren Goldner: Vanguard of Retrogression: "Postmodern" Fictions as Ideology in the Era of Fictitious Capital (2001). ISBN 0-9700308-1-9. 131 pp. Same postage rates apply. The articles marked with an asterisk (*) below are included this volume.

Loren Goldner lgoldner at alum.mit.edu

Links to Other Sites

What's New After leaving this site fallow for some time, I have added a number of texts, most recently, a dialogue with/critique of CLR James et al.'s 1958 book Facing Reality. But more importantly, I have used the new scanning technology to add a number of pre-Internet, pre-computer texts from the 1970s and 1980s. These include a number of book reviews, two articles from the short-lived and ill-fated single issue of Strategy (1977), and my book-length study of race and class in the work of Herman Melville. June 2002


Facing Reality 45 Years Later: Critical Dialogue With CLR James/ Grace Lee/Pierre Chaulieu (2002)

An American National Bolshevik: Book Review of Kevin Coogan's Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International (2001)

Ontological "Difference" and the Neo-Liberal War on the Social: Deconstruction and Deindustrialization (2001)(*)

Translation of Alain Tizon and François Lonchampt, "A Thousand Triumphant Ubus," in Votre Révolution n'est pas la mienne (1999) (2001)

Seattle: The First US Riot Against Globalization? (2000) French Translation: La Revolte US Contre La "Globalization"? (2000)

"Total Capital" Rigor and International Liquidity: A Reply to Robert Brenner (1999)

International Liquidity and Class Struggle: A First Approximation (1998) French Translation: Crise de la liquidité internationale et lutte des classes: Première approximation (1998; 2001 trans.) Italian Translation: Crisi della liquidita internazionale e lotta fra le classi: Prima approssimazione (1998; 2002 trans.)

The Remaking of the American Working Class: Restructuring of Global Capital, Recomposition of Class Terrain (1981; 1999; work in progress) French Translation: La Classe Ouvriere Americaine: Restructuration du capital global, Recomposition du terrain de classe (2002)

Ubu Saved From Drowning: Class Struggle and Statist Containment in Portugal and Spain, 1974-77 (2000)

Race, Class and the Crisis of the Bourgeois Ego in the Work of Herman Melville (1998)

Revolutionary "Termites" In Faridabad: Kamunist Kranti / Collectivities: Presentation and Critical Dialogue (1998)

Book Review: Ngo Van, Vietnam, 1920-1945 (1997)

Class Struggle In The Unemployment Capital of Europe: Lower Andalucia, 1995-1996 (1996) French Translation: Lutte de Classes en Basse Andalousie, 1995- 1996 (1996) Spanish Translation: Lucha de Clases en Baja Andalucia, 1995-1996 (1996)

Communism is the Material Human Community: Amadeo Bordiga Today (1991) German Translation: Kommunismus ist die materielle menschliche Gemeinschaft: Amadeo Bordiga heute French Translation: Le Communisme est la Communauté Materielle Humaine: Amadeo Bordiga et notre temps Italian Translation: Il Comunismo è la Comunità Materiale Umana: Amadeo Bordiga oggi Czech Translation: Komunismus jako materiální lidské spole?enství: Amadeo Bordiga dnes Russian Translation: ????????? - ???????????? ?????????? ?????--?????? ??????? ? ????????????? Korean Translation: ?????????????

Class Struggle Beyond Unionism: Boston-Area Public Employees Ferment, 1981-1982: An Interview With Scott McGuire (1993)

The Online World Is Also On Fire: How the Sixties Marginalized Literature in American Culture (And Why Literature Mainly Deserved It) (1995) (*)

The 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto (1997) (PDF Version ) Czech Translation: 150 let po Komunistickim manifestu (1997)

Race and the Enlightenment, Part I: From Anti-Semitism to White Supremacy(1997)(*)

Race and the Enlightenment, Part II: The Anglo-French Enlightenment and Beyond (1999)(*)

The Renaissance and Rationality: The Status of the Enlightenment Today (1995)(*)

Multiculturalism or World Culture? On a "Left"-Wing Response to Contemporary Social Breakdown (1993) (*) French Translation: Multiculturalisme ou Culture Mondiale? Sur une réponse de "gauche" au déclin social actuel (1993) Italian Translation: Multiculturalismo o Cultura Mondiale? Su una Riposta di "Sinistra" all'attuale Declino Sociale (1993, 2002)

The Nazis and Deconstruction: Jean-Pierre Faye's Demolition of Derrida (1993)(*) German Translation: Die Nazis und die Dekonstruktion: Jean-Pierre Fayes Abriß von Derrida (1993)

Marxism and the Crisis of Scientific Ideology (1983; 1992)(*)

Post-Modernism Meets the IMF: The Case of Poland (1990)(*)

The Universality of Marx (1989)(*) German Translation: Marx und Universalität

American Primitive in Red, Black and White: Race and Class in US History (1989)

Book Review: A Critique of Kim Moody's An Injury to All (1989)

Short History of the World Workers' Movement from Lassalle to Neo- Liberalism (1988) Czech Translation: Stru?né d?jiny sv?tového hnutí d?lnické t?ídy od Lassalla po neoliberalismus (1988; trans. 2001)

Book Review on 1968: Hamon and Rotman, Génération (1988)

Afro-Anabaptist-Indian Fusion: The Roots of American Radicalism (1987)(*)

>From National Bolshevism to Ecology (1980)(*)

History and Realization of the Material Imagination (1979)(*)

Their Methodology and Ours (1977)

Conjuncture: World Capitalism Since the Collapse of the Bretton Woods System (1976)


Book Review: Gugenberg/Schweidlenke on New Age, Fascism, Ecologism (1987)

Book Review: Ernst Bloch, Principle of Hope (1986)

Book Review: Peter Bergmann, Nietzsche: The Last Antipolitical German (1987)

Book Review: Lenni Brenner, The Lesser Evil (1989)

Book Review: Sharon Zukin, Loft Living (1989)

Book Review: Pierre Broue, Trotsky (1989)

Book Review: Joseph Chytry, The Aesthetic State (1989)

Book Review: Paul Rabinow, French Modern (1989)

Book Review: Joyce Kolko, Restructuring the World Economy (1988)

Book Review: T.J. Clark / Jerrold Seigel, Modernism as Vanguard of Consumption: Two Views (1986)

Book Review: Possibilities for Austerity: C. Sabel / M. Piore's The Second Industrial Divide (198

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