
joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Tue Jul 30 10:01:24 PDT 2002

At 11:47 PM 07/29/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I would imagine that once you get out of junior high, the intelligent,
>however that is measured, are treated better; the altrustic, however that is
>measured, are probably taken advantage of. They might not mind though. jks

Well, it depends, are these intelligent/altruistic folks men or women? And what culture are they operating in?

In terms of finding and keeping a mate, I'd say intelligence is not an asset for women. In terms of surviving and caring for their children, it is.

Altruism is generally regarded as foolishness among the middle classes and up. In men, it's disdained; in women, it's taken for granted.


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