Question for Liza about Palestinian SolidarityActivism at OSU

Max B. Sawicky sawicky at
Sun Jun 2 15:26:33 PDT 2002

Yours and some of Chuck0's subsequently is a legitimate line of criticism. When a cadre group operates in such a way as to stifle debate in some other ostensibly public organization, even though it plays within the rules, I think that is fair game. But that isn't what Chuck0 was going on about initially. He was criticizing them for being ubiquitous and effective at 'control'. That is not principled criticism. It is empty and plays to the Right.

If I win a million adherents who are ready to commit suicide bombings for me (i.e., at a Michael Bolton concert), you can criticize me for what they agree to do, or if I won their allegiance thru foul methods (i.e., mass mind control), but not for the mere fact of allegiance or coordination. That would be either hypocritical or just stupid. Hypocritical if your own envisioned movement would come to the same thing, or stupid if you disavowed any interest in a coordinated mass movement.


To Max's "so what" I'll respond with my experience at the one instance where I was personally present . . .

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