How Great We Are

Peter K. peterk at
Mon Jun 3 17:07:26 PDT 2002

>The potential problem in regard to immigrants is different.
>It may be overblown. Do immigrants come here for public
>benefits, or to work and/or join family members? I suspect
>it's mostly the latter, but in any case, you can use
>immigration restrictions. Can't have open borders
>in a world of nation-states.
>> Ok, Max, how do you run a welfare state that anyone could walk in and
>> claim benefits in?
>> Doug
>> >> The welfare state and open borders are incompatible, both in
>> >> capitalist and socialist nations, in the capitalist world economy.
>> >> Yoshie

Please explain why they are incompatible.

>From what I understand, immigrants contribute more than they take
(as do all workers, I believe)

Ye Ol' golden straightjacket seems more of a problem:

Canada's Finance Chief Ousted, Igniting Crisis by CLIFFORD KRAUSS

"Mr. Martin, 63, was generally considered the most respected member of the cabinet. He is credited with having brought the government deficit, which stood at more than $20 billion in 1994, under control.

He substantially reduced government spending in health and education, bringing protests from many citizens but cheers from Canadian and foreign investors. Canada's credit ratings and the Canadian dollar have rebounded in recent months, accompanied by a large infusion of investment in manufacturing and firmer stock market prices.

Mr. Martin's importance to the economy was underscored on April Fools' Day, when a political gossip Web site announced that he was resigning. It was a joke, but the farce caused the Canadian dollar to tumble sharply. Liberal Party leaders have warned in recent days that his departure may do lasting damage to the Canadian currency and economy."

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