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ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Wed Jun 5 01:15:28 PDT 2002

An unsuccessful response, on the other hand, is the failure to adopt to the innovation under the guise of identity politics espoused by assorted third-worldists, from Mao to Mugabe, who opted for rural backwardness to cling to power against modernizers.(i.e. "we reject capitalism, Eurocentrism etc. and espouse our local identity). This rejection of the "oppressor's culture" does nothing to change the balance of power, and makes the material conditions of the subordinate group even worse.

wojtek -----------

You had a similar process with the dissolution of the USSR, where the various republics all ran off their separate ways with no unifying concept other than not liking Russia -- regardless of the fact that their economis were completely dependent upon Russia. Like you can eat the Georgian or Armenian languages, or Azeri independence. Completely ridiculous.

Hell, 10% of Georgia's foreign trade is sales of one brand of mineral water -- which is mostly sold in Russia..

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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