Pariotism, Hendrix

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Wed Jun 5 12:35:10 PDT 2002

At 03:14 PM 06/05/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>It depends what you mean by the word "understand." If your mean
>"epiphenomenal familiarity" then I profess profound ignorance, indeed. In
>emergency situations I cope with it by asking my wife for help. But if you
>mean "linking material causes and effects" being insulated from the noise
>and babbling is actually an advantage - it helps me to concentrate. I
>think one can better understand the American culture by studying class
>structure, land use patterns, demography, geography or distribution of
>ownership than by being inundated by the products generated by the
>entertainment industry.

Well and good, but you still need to go over to a friend's house and watch one of those "reality" cop shows which shows that the poor are poor because they're stupid.


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