-Chip Berlet
You'd kinda think that since NYC is the site of the WTC, which had already been a target, and since DC is the site of the guvmint, and since there had been a zillion warnings in a years time, and more, more recently, that perhaps it would have been a nice idea to have scramble ready interceptor aircraft kinda hanging around in numbers in those areas. Oh yeah, and maybe put the FCC on some sort of alert. Ya know, just in those two places.
Something that makes me sigh in exasperation is the stupid question asked the guvs, and answered even when not asked, ie, why weren't the people warned? Fuck that. Why didn't they take simple and obvious actions? That's their job. Or so some of us continue to believe
People come up with theories when what they are told makes no sense. Do you really think Dr. Strangedick's Traveling Bad Medicine Show is giving you the straight story?