Insight needed: why is Bill Maher such an ass?

Micheal Ellis onyxmirr at
Tue Jun 11 17:01:38 PDT 2002

>This appears to be Maher's worst topic. I saw him on Larry King claiming
>that "there are no such things as Palestinians" and generally placing
>himself to the right of Ariel Sharon on Palestinian rights. I don't like
>Maher in general, but can anyone offer insight as to why he's especially
>such an ass on this issue?

because he's a racist...seriously, i am not knee jerking. one of the shows i saw where this issue came up one guest was this arab american guy rep. for arabs against terrorism and maher was you know i guess argueing with him and ended the show by saying all the arabs he's met are at least very intelligent or something like that. (trying to prove what a non racist he was...protesting too much) he totally gave himself away when he tried to point out how some of the arab militants are corrupt like that was supposed to prove something about arabs. his view on it and the mid east in general was well stated when he said something like (on the same show) that he concedes theat the u.s. often puts oil over people but america is not imperialist. he cites as evidence for this the fact that Saudi Arabia isn't a U.S. state. or something to that effect.....pretty silly.


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