Alterman on Chomsky

Micheal Ellis onyxmirr at
Mon Jun 17 15:23:19 PDT 2002

>To think of Faurisson as an "apolitical liberal of some sort" shows
>an extraordinary failure of insight. I don't think Chomsky's writing
>the preface for Faurisson's book reveals that Chomsky wants to see
>Jews bbqed on a large scale. I do think it shows evidence of a high
>degree of nut-boyness.

well that's open to's either disinterest in something not worth i could guess that you are a "liberal of some sort" or he could have a justifiable low opinion of "liberals".... who knows?

>I've concluded that Chomsky goes down on the Khmer Rouge rap, however...

well you and that jim mcdonald guy are the last ones...and he even admits chomsky has been discredited only in his mind......


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