more rollback of ADA

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Tue Jun 18 11:44:09 PDT 2002

At 04:41 AM 6/19/2002 -0700, Bill Bartlett wrote:

>You miss my point entirely. For example, if sociology were outlawed but
>the authorities then failed to enforce the law and willfully permitted the
>sorcery to continue, my argument would be that I should be entitled to
>seek compensation for any personal damages suffered as a result of its
>evil spells. Perhaps even punitive damages, to remind the government that
>it had an obligation to enforce the law.

Well, then sue the government employees or officials (who are also public employees) for not doing their jobs - fine them, sack them, or even lock them up - but that is different than suing the institution of the government - which represents the public.


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