rights during wartime

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at rawbw.com
Tue Jun 18 15:34:23 PDT 2002

LA TIMES - Chief Justice William Rehnquist, reviewing the history of civil liberties during wartime, said the courts are inclined to bend the law in the government's favor during a time of hostilities. "One is reminded of the Latin maxim inter arma silent leges. In time of war, the laws are silent,"...


So, Judicatus Imperator Rehnquist declares the same high principles that Persecutor Praetorius Ashcroft issued last year for extraordinary powers in the patriot act.

Do you suppose this is a new Don't Ask, Don't Tell rule. Don't ask if we have gone from Republic to Empire and we won't tell you we have?

Will OSU become the new center for the Emperor's personality cult? Perhaps a better protest would have been to get down on all fours and bow as Muslims do in prayer.

Chuck Grimes

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