the future of plagiarism

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Wed Jun 26 11:02:01 PDT 2002

At 12:37 PM 06/26/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I note that your contempt for intellectual property law stems from the
>social position o someone whose income does not depend on protection of the
>specific symbolic representations that you produce. You get your salary even
>if (like most professors) you are not paid any money for the stuff you
>write. Professionl writers feel differently. That's why Courtney Love has
>fits about Napster.

Believe it or not, people are actually able to support an idea/cause that may result in personal material loss. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain the support that some of the more privileged give to socialism.

As for Courtney Love, she has said far more critical things about the recording industry and the way they rip-off/live off of "original" artists than she has said about Napster.


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