the future of plagiarism

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Wed Jun 26 10:56:54 PDT 2002

At 12:37 PM 06/26/2002 -0400, wojtek wrote:
>A more creative approach would be to make sure that he plagiarized it well
>- - i.e. check how well he absorbed the concepts and its implications. After
>all, "borrowing" good ideas from other people is the main engine of
>civilisational progress - the peoples who do not plagiarise stay stagnant -
>the claims of intellectual commodity producers notwithstanding.
>After all, the concept of "originality" and "intellectual property" is but
>a demand for monopoly rights by intellectual commodity producers. Claiming
>"ownership" of thoughts and ideas is absurd.

Thank you wojtek.You are saying pretty much what I've been saying for the last few days. But, now that it has been said by a (famous) man, perhaps people will be able to digest it better.


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