But that is true of all third party candidates who generally do not score well in presidential election. However, the 449 thousand votes vis a vis Nader's 2.9 million he did get in 2000
should be viewed in the proper context of highly organized and motivated GOP supporters and highly disillusioned Democrat supporters. Thus, much of the Nader votes were de facto protest votes against Gore, whereas most Buchanan votes were cast by his staunchest supporters who refused to go for the "compassionate conservative." I suspect the if the tables were turned around and GOP supporters felt like many liberals did after Clinton, Mr. Buchanan would probably get much more than 2.9 million votes.
Moreover, that if the war on terror does not go well and the economy does not improve any time soon, Mr. Buchanan (or his political clone) may pull a Le Pen in 2004. Remember, you heard it first here.