need a short history text on fSU/Russia... suggestions?

vukovich vukovich at
Fri Jun 28 09:37:35 PDT 2002

Hello good people,

This Fall I am teaching a course on Soviet cinema, and I am still looking for a decent, *short* text on the history of the fSU (Russia, not the ex-bloc). I've already got the cinema texts more or less lined-up, so am looking for history "proper."

As of right now, I am leaning towards using Fitzpatrick's history of the Rev. (1917-37), and then for the later eras, supplementing that with some pieces from Moshe Levin (from "The Drive and Drift of a Superpower") and perhaps Deutscher. But I'd prefer to have a single volume (and avoid adding to an already huge coursepack of photocopies), and I do need to keep the total pages for this around 200, max., and the stuff has to be accessible to film, not history majors.

Failing that, perhaps people could let me know of their favorite essays or chapters on the post-Stalin eras?

Many thanks for the help.

Best, Dan

Daniel F Vukovich Dept. of English & The Unit for Criticism University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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