Why was there low unemployment in the 90s?

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Sun Jun 30 19:52:22 PDT 2002

>Bradford DeLong wrote:
>>Or, alternatively, that rapid aggregate productivity growth drove a
>>wedge between the wage increases workers aspired to given low
>>unemployment and the price increases firms needed to maintain and
>>expand profits, and thus low unemployment was consistent with
>>stable inflation...
>...except that profits peaked around 1997, as productivity was
>accelerating, bringing the boom to an end.
>And the evidence is that productivity gains were concentrated in a
>few industries - how does that translate into economy-wide wage

Productivity gains are as likely (more likely) to translate into lower prices than higher profits. The distribution of profits across industries has something but not a lot to do with the distribution of productivity...

Brad DeLong

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