Aesthetics etc.

Micheal Ellis onyxmirr at
Fri Mar 1 19:46:17 PST 2002

i think an artists political views end up coming out in the work anyway. perhaps it's a subliminal thing or a subconcious reaction on my part but whatever views usually end up there.....all the art i've been interested in are usually done by anarchist or at least socialist of some sort. i don't consider it all that important but for me it usually ends up that i really liked John Cages music even before i knew he was an anarchist and i hated Ezra Pounds poetry, and i wanted to like it because of the blackmountain poets etc, i'm only finding out now that he apparently favored fascism. If lynch was a reaganite it would show up in his films in someway that is at least to me noticeable. but he's not a reaganite....he only said he was a fan of Reagan because of reagans "cowboy' image.....Lynchs grandfather was a cowboy (wore cowboy suits and all). lynch thinks cowboys are cool....and he said at least 2 or 3 times that he doesn't know anything about politics or is atleast apolitical. If you would have asked me before i read the various interviews etc. judgeing by his films i would have guessed that he wasn't that interested in politics or any specific political view......if he were a reaganite i don't think agent cooper would have mentioned how great it would be to see the Dalai Llama return to a free Tibet etc.

i wish i could offer more concrete evidence and most of it is just an idiomatic intuitive reaction on my part but the artists politics always ends up in the work. like an artist can lie or intend to be deceptive (even to themselves) etc but the result or the work can't lie. bad political art well meaning or no reflects a flawed thinking my view.


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