David Lynch

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Sun Mar 3 09:51:18 PST 2002

>I think, though, that as far as today's American movies are
>concerned, we are not exactly inundated by a flood of an earnest
>interest to include a _left-wing_ political message in art.
>we are being bombarded by war propaganda movies (e.g., _Behind
>Lines_, _Black Hawk Down_, _Collateral Damage_); and clever and
>technically expert films with little to say about anything
>_Memento_, _Being John Malkovich_).

Two recent movie I liked were Godsford Park and the Royal Tenenbaums. In GP, you have a sweatshop owner who sleeps with (rapes?) his workers and sends the resulting kids to orphanages. The class system is totally in your face. I'm not sure what TRT was about exactly, but it was fun. And again, the patriarch is the baddie which is usually the case.


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