Fulani flacks for vouchers

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Sun Mar 3 11:22:41 PST 2002

[Thanks to Steve Philion for pointing this out. Fulani was formerly associated with the weird psycopolitical cult the New Alliance Party, run by the "Marxist" Fred Newman.]

Letter to NY Times:

Michael Leo Owens (Op-Ed, Feb. 26) makes a clear case that "black bureaucratic enfranchisement" and the growth of black officialdom have not yielded quality public education for poor black communities. While advocating for vouchers, however, he misses a critical aspect of why they are so important to us.

Moving to a more free-market model of education will stimulate the creation of new schools using new approaches to learning. Greater competition in the education marketplace will spur the kind of innovation that the public school monopoly currently represses. All communities - of all races and economic status - will benefit as a result.

LENORA FULANI New York, Feb. 26, 2002

The writer, a former independent presidential candidate, is co-director of a privately financed supplementary education program.

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