David Lynch

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at ebay.sun.com
Mon Mar 4 14:43:03 PST 2002

At 01:27 AM 03/04/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>No. There is no worse message than Griffith's The Birth of a Nation or
>Riefenstahl's The Triumph of Will, but they are great films. You assume that
>there is a neat form/content distinction to be made, but this applies least
>of all in works of art, where form is to a great extent content.

No. There's art-as-hypnosis and art-as-spur-to-consciousness. Form looks the same in both, but it plays a different role.

There's art in advertising, the point of which is to make you buy something. There's art in a Rilke poem, the point of which is your emergent desire to change your life by becoming more open, more vulnerable. The beauty/truth is your carrot/reward for showing a little guts.


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