Japanese unemployment

Charles Jannuzi jannuzi at edu00.f-edu.fukui-u.ac.jp
Mon Mar 4 17:16:36 PST 2002

>if the weight of this exchange >is that unemployment is a >problem (C
Jannuzi) or its not >(D Henwood) then I'm with >Doug.

O.K. so you think unemployment isn't a problem. Fine, I hope you find yourself unemployed tomorrow. But wait, better rush down to your dole office because otherwise you might not make it into the next survey.

Now about your summary: that isn't the weight of the exchange at all. One point might be you could have increased employment and still have higher unemployment as well. Another point might be, as publications like the NYT were so eager to say , even if you say that Japan's unemployment rates is twice the official rate, you could easily say the same thing about rates in the US. It also says something that when an unemployment rate in Japan hits the same level as that of the US or UK, the Japanese say they have an unemployment problem (or more accurate of who is alarmist, all the western analysts at parasitic merchant banks here say the end is near) while you all are talking about full employment or not much job market lax.

If you don't try and speak about the unpeople, then what in the hell are you doing on a left list?

Charles Jannuzi

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