Bang, bang, you're dead

Kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Mar 6 15:08:26 PST 2002

>I do not like guns, but I am unwilling to support the removal of guns from
>private ownership. It is a topic that bothers me because the more I read
>the more I believe that there is no either/or solution to it. I want
>things to be clear cut. The issue of gun control is anything but.
>(I am not looking to get into a flame war nor am I wanting to deal with
>this issue in attack mode for any of the sides one could possibly take. I
>have more of that then I need on other lists. I simply offer the above in
>the hopes that some might address the issue from a position that holds the
>research to a higher standard than emotional approval (or disapproval)).

as far as i can tell from observing this list and participating in a couple of gun debates, it's one of those debates that distinguishes the liberals from the lefties. liberals go for gun control. but most lefties don't for one of three main reason: because they're libertarians; they argue that the issue isn't guns in the hands of people, but in the hands of the state; or they realize that revolutionary change may entail the use of violence, in which case guns might just be necessary, so get used to 'em.

Marx, btw, was pro-gun ownership and railed against the removal of guns (the citizens' property) in his writings on the Paris commune.


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