Nietzsche and the Nazis (Was Re: aesthetics)

Shane Mage shmage at
Wed Mar 6 20:36:51 PST 2002

How ridiculous to think that "Christianity," the work of the Roman/Herodian police agent Saul alias Paul, has ever had anything to do with the Jewish Messianic revolutionary known now as Jesus. As soon as Jesus's successors James and Peter found out the truth about the gonif parading as "Paul" they threw him out of the Jerusalem Church, and he could escape with his life only by publicly revealing himself as the Roman "citizen" he had become as a reward for his crimes. Torquemada

the marrano renegade was in all respects an ideal successor to Paul.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

>An inability to make out significant differences between
>the fellow in the Gospels and Torquemada is probably beyond
>my modest powers of assistance.
>-- Gordon

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