meanwhile in Europe

Ian Murray seamus2001 at
Fri Mar 8 15:57:10 PST 2002

Robin Cook against 'market society'

"No to a market society and yes to a market economy", the chairman of the European socialist party Robin Cook said on Tuesday at a conference on the future of Europe organised by the socialists at the European Parliament. The leader of the socialists across Europe insisted that the European social model has to be central to the character of the EU of the future. Robin Cook deplored the defeat of socialist forces, which are in retreat across Europe. "Two years ago, by the time of the Lisbon summit, a majority of social-democratic parties were in power in Europe, and therefore the ideal of full employment, of equal opportunities for women and men were strongly endorsed at the highest level," Mr Cook said. He hoped near elections in EU will demonstrate that the socialists are still the most viable force in Europe.

On the future of Europe, Mr Cook, a former British foreign affairs minister, said that before asking institutional questions and write a constitution, we must be clear about what we want Europe to do.

The European socialists launched on Tuesday an appeal to the Convention on the EU future to take the socialist objectives on board when proposing EU reforms. They called on the Convention to enshrine within the structures of the European Union the European social model, including a high level of social security and social rights, the Charter of fundamental rights and priority for preserving and creating employment.

Written by Daniela Spinant Edited by Sharon Spiteri

Printet from 09.03.2002

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