heroism/slock and 9/11

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at ebay.sun.com
Tue Mar 12 09:35:47 PST 2002

At 02:28 AM 03/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>it's like after the 15 hundreth holocaust documentary one gets
>sick of hearing about the holocaust right? or how like "schindlers
>list" isn't any different than any other of spielbergs pandering schlock
>films. it's the same thing with all this new york fire department 9/11 stuff.
>at this point it is only serving propaganda purposes.
>obviously i would assume firemen like doing what they do or wouldn't
>be firemen.

When I was in "cop shop" in 76, learning to be a state park ranger, we had a whole host of teachers: Sheriffs, highway patrol, narcs, FBI, and fire fighters. The fire fighters were by far the best of the bunch: visibly intelligent and decent. The highway patrol were reasonable too. As for the rest, the least said the better.

On the whole, fire fighters are heroes: they risk their lives and they are not bullies and they do not exist to terrorize the working class. Just because the media is shlocking them down doesn't mean they deserve it.

But as for "Schindler's List" (barf) and your other points: right on!


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