Ace on The Jews

Hakki Alacakaptan nucleus at
Thu Mar 14 10:06:28 PST 2002

|| -----Original Message-----

|| From: C. G. Estabrook

|| And why is spying by the Israeli secret police in and on the US an

|| unmentionable topic? It certainly seems to have taken place.

I would certainly be the last person to duck the issue of Mossad infiltration in the US. What I'm saying is that the state of Israel should not be thought of or spoken of as the seat of world Jewry because its aggressive zionism oppresses and disenfranchises not just the Arabs but also Jews. Jewish and Palestinian bodies are strewn about Israel and Palestine because of the ultrazionists, who manipulate the Israeli public with provocations like Sharon's raid on the Haram al-Sharif in order to further their ideological and military agenda.


|| But I don't think it's true to say that Israel, although

|| clearly a racist

|| state, is "founded on religious dogma." Nor do I think it's

|| the case that

|| "many 'Jews' in the US who would like to speak out against

|| Zionism but are

|| simply afraid to bec Mossad has paid them a visit, as it has to each and

|| every prominent US 'Jew'." (And why the quotes?) The changing

|| relationship of American Jews to the state of Israel is notably

|| set out in

|| Norman Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry. --CGE

Israel Shahak made a pretty good case in his Jewish History, Jewish Religion, that zionism is a continuation of classical Judaism, which is totalitarian in nature, as I maintain that Islam is. The foundation of zionist ideology is talmudic. What's more, religious fanatics wield great political clout, not to mention Uzi's and M-16's, in Israel. Remember also that zionists were originally anti-socialist and pro-nazi, i.e. political opponents of Jewish progressive thought. Here's a quote from ch. 4:

----------------------------------------------------------- In fact, close relations have always existed between Zionists and antisemites: exactly like some of the European conservatives, the Zionists thought they could ignore the 'demonic' character of antisemitism and use the antisemites for their own purposes. Many examples of such alliances are well known. Herzl allied himself with the notorious Count von Plehve, the antisemitic minister of Tsar Nicholas II;27 Jabotinsky made a pact with Petlyura, the reactionary Ukrainian leader whose forces massacred some 100,000 Jews in 1918-21; Ben-Gurion's allies among the French extreme right during the Algerian war included some notorious antisemites who were, however, careful to explain that they were only against the Jews in France, not in Israel.

Perhaps the most shocking example of this type is the delight with which some Zionist leaders in Germany welcomed Hitler's rise to power, because they shared his belief in the primacy of 'race' and his hostility to the assimilation of Jews among 'Aryans'. They congratulated Hitler on his triumph over the common enemy - the forces of liberalism. Dr Joachim Prinz, a Zionist rabbi who subsequently emigrated to the USA, where he rose to be vice-chairman of the World Jewish Congress and a leading light in the World Zionist Organization (as well as a great friend of Golda Meir), published in 1934 a special book, Wir Juden (We, Jews), to celebrate Hitler's so- called German Revolution and the defeat of liberalism -----------------------------------------------------------

This is not a state of affairs that would naturally enchant the better-educated Jews of the US diaspora, many of whom are no longer practising Jews (whence the apostrophes). But like the progressive Israelis who were mobbed out of power by wave after wave of forced immigration, progressive US Jews for whom Sharon's brand of zionism is abhorrent dare not raise their voices for fear of what Mossad and its confederate the ADL would do to them.

As far as Cockburn is concerned, his piece obscures the fact that Jews are not a socially or politically homogeneous entity except in antisemitic and zionist propaganda. Some Jews hate and fight against what Israel has become and others are its silent and bewildered victims almost to the same extent as the Palestinians.


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