useful idiots of the empire

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Fri Mar 15 19:05:43 PST 2002

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Ian Murray crossposted:

> Tariq Ali
> Saturday March 16, 2002
> The Guardian
> populations to the edge of despair. The social democracy that
> appeared an attractive option during the cold war no longer
> exists. The powerlessness of democratic parliaments and the
> politicians who inhabit them to change anything has discredited
> democracy. Crony capitalism can survive without it.

Doom, gloom, all I ever hear around here. The EU is building new forms of multinational cultural, social and political democracy every day; EU governments continue to intermediate 49% of the EU economy; East Asia and the EU are the bankers, industrialists, chip designers and aesthetic innovators of the planet. Tariq needs to relax and play a few rounds of Serious Sam II.

-- Dennis

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