your mail

Matt Cramer cramer at
Thu Mar 21 07:16:47 PST 2002

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 sui.generis at wrote:

> Redbaiting is when you criticize people's support for the administration's
> war in Afghanistan by reminding them that our Middle East policy is about
> supporting that Socialist state, Israel.

Kel, think about to whom I was writing at the time. He's a racist imperialist; you yourself called him a facsist. Small steps, Kel. I'm not going to turn him into a social democrat - I'm not equipped. But maybe, just maybe, I can get him to recognize that the US supports corrupt regimes through its military hegemony of the region.

Fine - you don't like this technique since I slander Socialism. I'm just trying to get a closed minded person to think critically about the US War Machine. I admit there are problems with this tactic. Israel isn't a Socialist state as LBOers use the term. Neither is the Soviet Union under Stalin a good example of Communism. But if this "redbaiting' *elsewhere* bothers you then flame me there. Dragging it into this forum serves no under purpose other than to slander me, because you do it without any context. Worse, its nothing but heresay since you don't quote me but just paraphrase. Please, I'm asking you, knock it off. Lists have charters and appropriate topics - thats why seperate lists exist. If I piss you off elsewhere, flame me elsewhere. If I piss you off here, flame me for what I type here. I think this is a reasonable request.



-- Matt Cramer <cramer at> PGP RSA Key ID: 0x1F6A4471 aim: beyondzero123 PGP DH/DSS Key ID: 0xAFF35DF2 icq: 120941588

yahoo msg: beyondzero123 Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks!

-Lazarus Long

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