Well, their intentions, and the resultant consequences are independent of one another. Part of the underlying motivation for terrorism is the de-linkage between act and consequence, which demonstrates the irrationality of the world, hence its terrorizing impact.
But my second or third thought immediately after was to curse history for authenticating Bush as president, giving him a purpose when he had none, putting all opposition in the same camp as the terrorists, and humanizing the empire and its neoliberal corporate apologists as the victims---at the cost of the real victims who were immediately ignored. Notice that the real victims and their families got a bunch of forms and some bogus volunteer fund, while the poor suffering corporations got immediate cash bail-outs, law suit immunities, and now cash real estate incentives.
In any event, there is no contradiction in my mind between believing you are attacking empire, and becoming its justification for existence. Look at the perfect circles you can chase around and around numerous cold war stupidities.
Chuck Grimes