Carl Remick carlremick at
Sat Mar 23 16:31:49 PST 2002

>From: rhisiart at
>Herman Wouk, carrol. and Wouk was much less banal than coop. ;-)

The Caine Mutiny was most interesting as both novel and movie. It's fascinating to see a novelist offer such a dim view of the sly, manipulative ways of novelists, as he does in his portrayal of Lt. Keefer (if I remember it right) who really was the architect of the Caine Mutiny, as Lt. Barney Greenwald points out in his scorching confrontation with Keefer. The story also has a really stinging surprise ending with a (I must admit) hard-hitting defense of the professional military as people who -- whatever their limitations -- keep savagery at bay.


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