The Angry Right (Was Re: Lenin today)

Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Sun Mar 24 09:30:46 PST 2002

>>My experience with this crowd backs up what Tomasky (and Brock) says about
>>the right -- they are really angry fuckers. I hung around a bunch of
>>ex-Dartmouth Review editors in the early 90s, more out of curiosity than
>>anything else (I'd read a ton of Review back issues and was intrigued by
>>mindset of its authors), and to a man they were pissed off about the
>>culture, about liberals, about how they were perceived by others, and so

Somewhere Robert Nozick, who was, for all his faults as a philosopher and a right wing ideologue, a genuinely nice and wonderful human being, beloved by his students and fondly remembered by his colleagues in the profession, says that when he was on the the left, he liked the folks, and when his arguments drove him to the righthe found himself associated with all sorts of bitter, nasty, vindictive, mean people he couldn't stand. I once asked him why, that being so, he didn't reconsider; didn't it tell hims something about who he'd gotten into bed with that they were pigs? He shruggeda nd laughed.

All that said there are a lot of downright mean and angry leftists, more now than at any time I can remember. Of course the targets of our anger are the strong rather than the weak, by and large, and that goes a awy towards making up for it.

>>They were also very nerdish and in quieter moments most insecure. I kinda
>>felt sorry for them, but they made it hard for the sympathy to last.
>Surely there are other people for whom it would be more constructive
>to feel sorrow? :-)

Pity, maybe?
>What I don't understand is their longevity: Why does Howard Kurtz
>quote Andrew Sullivan? Why didn't Dan Quayle fire William Kristol in
>March of 1989? These are things I genuinely do not understand...

What happened in March of '89? But to answer the qiestion, Danny-boy si clueless.


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