Russia, Ukraine, CIS

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Fri Mar 29 01:44:33 PST 2002

IMO they did gain one thing through their ordeal: Poltical consciousness.


- -I doubt this, since they still vote in right wing parties.....

Alexandre Fenelon ------------------ Some do, some don't. Certainly fewer than in the past. (The victory of the CP in Moldova is a case in point. Most of these groups have thoroughly discredited themselves. I mean, who the fuck in Ukraine likes Leonid Kuchma? You can only run on an "I don't like Russia, so vote for me, even if I can't offer you jack shit other than occasional frissons of ethnic pride" platform for so long.) Though it does show to what extent nationalistic fervor can overcome common sense.

I would say the region in the CIS where nationalist extremism is still a real problem is Central Asia, where it mixes in with religious self-identification, like in Uzbekistan and Chechnya.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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