Food Is Not a Human Right - Well, obviously not - Not yet, anyway.

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Fri Mar 29 09:52:34 PST 2002

Food Is Not a Human Right - Well, obviously not - Not yet, anyway. "dlawbailey" <dlawbailey at>

Of course food isn't a human right. How can it be? If I go to a baker selling bread for $2 a loaf and he refuses to sell me the bread for $1 is he violating my rights? How about $1.50? How about $1.80?

How does one enforce a "right" to food?

^^^^^^^ CB: Similarly to enforcing the right to air and water. One way or an other, everybody would get their food.

Of course, a large proportion of the current population would have to be reoriented away from market economy thinking.

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