FT: Anti-globalisation alliance lies low

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Fri May 3 11:02:15 PDT 2002

>Illusions as to the usefulness of this are one of the strongest negative
>features of the anti-g movement. If that movement is to continue to be a
>positive it must destroy this illusion.
>It is a small boy's dream rather than serious politics.

Again with the insults. Seems rather adolescent. At least you admit the movement is a positive. Even though I think that campaign finance reform was useful and not an illusion to be destroyed, I do agree with you that the Democrats are the running dogs of the ruling class which is why I supported Nader. The Democrats (including Rodham Clinton and Lieberman)

who want to make the work requirements for welfare stricter are fighting on the wrong side of the class war and this during a time when the economy is floundering.


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