appeasers, cowards, moral idiots

Mark Pavlick mvp1 at
Fri May 3 12:23:20 PDT 2002

> Dennis, could you give an example of somebody who said that
>"the al-Qaeda/Taliban gangsters should have been left alone', maybe
>along with a direct quote supporting what you're claiming?

Whoever you might have in mind, it doesn't include those who in fact Hitchens attacked for similar purported reasons - the "Chomsky-Zinn-Finkelstein quarter", Sam Husseini of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, and Edward Herman, among others - for all of whom there is zero evidence for such a charge. Carrol is referring to this capacity of Hitchens for (careerist) demagogy.


> One thing about Hitchens -- his capacity to incorporate reactionary
>> and/or vulgar jargon is seemingly without end. It helps to keep him in
>> his proper pigeonhole in infamy.
>> Carrol
>What else would you call those who felt that the al-Qaeda/Taliban gangsters
>should have been left alone? Appeasers? Cowards? Moral idiots? Certainly not


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